Our Ministries > Service
A team of volunteers that contributes to the Mass through flower arrangements to beautify the altar. Flower arrangements are made to complement the liturgy.
A ministry that prepares for and hosts parish jumble sales twice a year through the sale of donated items. All proceeds go to the Parish Social Mission Fund.
A team of first responders to help our parish in times of emergencies. They assist in preventing and managing emergencies should they take place in the church.
A team that manages the carparks at Kingsmead Hall and Sacred Heart Hall during Masses and Parish events. They help guide drivers into the carparks and lots as efficiently as possible. ​
The Wedding Ministry comprises a group of dedicated faithful who aims to be the bridge between the Church and couples in preparation for their Church wedding and
help couples have a sacramental marriage.
Willing Hands come together to help with the cleaning of the Church - including sweeping, mopping, dusting, arranging missals and Hymn books and other tasks- especially during the Lent and Advent period.