I joined the RCIA program hoping to just learn more about the Catholic faith. I wasn’t thinking of converting as I had some misconceptions about the faith such as “we must pray through Mother Mary to have access to God”, and I felt that there were too many rules and rituals to follow, which I didn’t understand. It was through RCIA that changed the way I understood the faith and discovered the meaning behind the various rites. I learnt what is the golden standard of God, how I fall short, but God still forgives me, and gives me the grace to go and sin no more. I was also blessed with facilitators and sponsors who were very frank and genuine in their sharing, and held me accountable for participating actively to get the most out of my journey. It has been a fruitful experience, and I look forward to continuing my faith journey with the Church and my loved ones.
- Chan Xiang Yi
It started off as a journey of enquiry. Along the way, my probing questions were answered with patience, and much-needed knowledge gleaned. More than that, a nurturing community was formed within my RCIA Group (G4) where pain and struggles were shared with courageous honesty, met always with kindness and loving support. God was at work; with Fr Colin ever-present when a nudge or wise counsel was needed. Almost all of us took the leap of faith to be baptised this Easter Sunday.
We have all been truly blessed in this journey. But the road to Emmaus continues, where challenges abound. I pray that with God’s grace, we will be steadfast and grow in His wisdom and love in the days to come.
- Jolene Colette Tan
Having attended as a kid with my mum many Saturday devotion sessions at Novena Church (Church of Saint Alphonsus), the Catholic faith is something that has always been close to my heart. I would very naturally pray to God whenever I felt troubled, bothered or needed help. But the relationship with God was largely touch and go until I met my wife who of all religions had to be a Catholic. I guess this was probably God’s call to me. But I only had a limited knowledge of God. Through the weekly Tuesday night sessions and Sunday BOW sessions, I learned more about the history of our faith, the life and teachings of Jesus, and the struggles he endured.
Although the RCIA journey has ended with my Baptism, the journey of faith which is a life journey, continues on.
- Leonard Kong
This is my third go at RCIA. Due to frequent overseas travels, I did not manage to complete the RCIA classes during my first 2 attempts over the past 5 years. Fortunately, with the availability of Zoom, I am able to complete the course this round. At least I found one positive in the covid pandemic!
My sponsor Kai, together with amazing facilitators Pao Yi and Anthony, are the main motivators for me to develop and strengthen my faith. Without them, and the awesome group of catechumens, I am doubtful that I could have made it this far. For someone very new in the faith, I am very grateful for their dedication, selfless sharing, sincerity, and mentoring. This faith journey is not a 100m sprint, but a marathon. It's not how fast or early you start. The journey can be gradual, and the faith can always be strengthened from now till eternity.
- William Wong
Many years ago when I was in Secondary School I was lost, depressed, and I had suicidal thoughts. I felt all alone until I found God through a friend last year. One Sunday, I decided to join her for Mass, and upon seeing the crucifix, I started crying uncontrollably. That was when I knew there was something special about Catholicism, and decided to journey with RCIY to learn more about the faith.
During my journey in RCIY, I found my faith through the sessions and prayers. Moreover, during the Advent retreat last year I experienced God in a way that I never thought was possible. Eventually, I came to experience God in my daily life, and it changed me completely.
Now that I am baptised and can partake in the Most Holy Eucharist, I wish for others to feel God the same way as I did, just as Jesus once said to Thomas: “Blessed are those who have not seen me yet believe.” I pray in the hope that others would return to the church to praise and love Christ once more.
- Alson Kwek (RCIY)
I grew up in a Buddhist environment as a liberalist freethinker. To me, religion was a social construct, “an opium of the masses”. When I first met Jesus, it wasn't through the Catholic Church. I had been a Protestant for slightly over a year. But I didn't know much about Protestant denominations, much less the Catholic faith.
Suddenly exposed to intense debates between the two camps, I joined RCIY with an openness to learn more. Intellectually, many things began to make sense in ways they hadn't in the previous year. Through RCIY, God also gave me my first Eucharistic encounter with Him. The invitation was always to "see for yourself". With friends made along the way, my conviction towards the faith grew the same way CS Lewis artfully encapsulates it: “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it, I see everything else.”
The Catholic faith is a family faith, and it was immense grace that I experienced what that meant even before Baptism. Now, post-baptism, the adventure has only just begun
- Gillian Yeong (RCIY)
For more information on the RCIA/RCIY Programme please visit https://www.stignatius.org.sg/rcia or www.rciy.sg